The Solidarity Federation is organising a workplace training day in Manchester on Saturday 7th March. The course will provide a basic introduction to workplace organising. Primarily focusing on how to organise resistance in the workplace in difficult conditions and when, under the anti-trade union laws, taking the mildest form of action can leave workers open to the sack.

The day’s course will include:

The Role of the Workplace Organiser

How to set about organising in Workplace

Taking Effective Action in Difficult Conditions

Building a Workplace Organisation

If you have problems at your workplace and want to fight back or if you want to get involved in workplace organising, the course should provide a good foundation for getting you started.

The course is open to everyone including those with no experience of workplace organising and those not currently in paid work. The places on the course are limited.

For further information or to reserve a place contact:

Recent articles

This article was published on 18 February 2015 by the SolFed group in Manchester. Other recent articles:

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