Liverpool SolFed have agreed to publish the following solidarity appeal from Sociedad Obrera Apoyo Mutuo de Sevilla (Mutual Aid Workers Society of Seville). At a recent local meeting, we agreed to make a solidarity donation to the organisation.

Dear comrades:

There members of Sociedad Obrera Apoyo Mutuo de Sevilla (Mutual Aid Workers Society of Seville)were accused of organising a campaign of paintings against the Catholic Church in several locations of the city and the organisation has been sanctioned with a fine of 1,400 €uros by the Court. We are facing also another fine from the court to four of our members that were caught by the police squatting a new Social Centre in Seville after the eviction of CSOA La Huelga; a Squatted and Self-managed Social Center capital for all the social movement in Seville evicted in May this year. The comrades have been fined with 2000 Euros by the court. In spite the police repression has been increasing during the last few months they are not going to stop our struggle for the new world that we have in our hearts.

We are now asking to anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist organisations for their solidarity in order to help us to pay the fines, as we are involved in several conflicts and we are a small organisation. Although we’ve got contributions from several groups and we have organised events to collect the money for the fines; still we cannot afford the payments.

Please send your contributions to:

Barclays UK account: 20-49-81 83363953

IBAN: GB71 BARC 2049 8183 3639 53 (for international transfers)

Yours in Solidarity

Alejandro Duarte
Genaral Secretary

Sociedad Obrera Apoyo Mutuo de Sevilla

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This article was published on 11 October 2012 by the SolFed group in Liverpool. Other recent articles:

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